Monday 17 August 2009

Zermatt, Switzerland Ski Conference Site Visit - CONFERENCES AROUND THE WORLD!

Although the world is melting and business is not the easiest it's has been: there are pockets of positivity that the Divine One does grant us if we work hard enough. In this criteria falls one of our newest but most endearing Clients. Thanks to an introduction by an old school Friend ( Thanks Gus) we organised a small but intimate Conference at the Landmark in March. They were impressed with our diligence, professionalism and contigency forsight. I didn't realise how much until I got a Sunday text from the CEO 2 months ago asking me if I knew any good places in Switzerland to have a 25th Anniversary Ski Conference in Jan. My little time during my school years spent in Switzerland was finally bearing bounteous fruit. HURRAY - a Conference for 180 delegates was finally narrowed away from St Mortiz to Zermatt. The numbers and beauty don't lie. Privacy, company strategising and skiing were the main orders for the Conference. As they say in skiland - we lucked out :-) Not only is this great for our business development but to have such kind, wonderful, intelligent and on the ball Clients is a bonus.

Alistair and I were dispatchhed to Switzerland to meet our astute but fun Clients for a site visit in beautiful Zermatt. Isn't Switzerland gorgeous in the summer?.....chocolate, sausages, running goats, ramblers, spas., sun and kind people. The devil is in the details - so here 's to planning a professional and successful Conference in 2010!!!!

1 comment:

Andreas said...

Nice to meet you Baba.
Hope we can work together.
All the best,
Andreas, Mont Cervin