Wednesday 17 June 2009


This week we organised a very enthralling and captivating event at the hidden gem in the city called the Honourable Artillery Company (HAC) . For a most favourite Client it was an Edutainment Experience Event called " Serve Your Country" about the seemingly never ending war in Afghanistan. Opium wars I call them. Enough respect to the Army and Special Forces Guys fighting to eradicate the Taliban and Drugs in this country of over 6 languages , 14 different tribes and the size of France and half of Germany put together. It is not an easy task serving your country. To put your life at risk for a country and more importantly politicians who use you as pawns in a mad game of chess is most worthy. Really puts your problems in perspective as meaningless most of the time. A big thank you has to go to Major General Richard L Barrons CBE , Lieutenant Colonel Gary Wilkinson and the Soldiers involved. We salute you Gentlemen - for your tenacity, discipline, allegiance and love for this fine country !!!! BIG UP !!!